Friday 25 January 2013

The 7 chakras and their significance to life - Sadhguru

Sadhguru explains in detail the entire pranic system including it's 72,000 nadis, 114 junction points and 7 major junction points or chakras.
courtesy: Isha Foundation

Sadhguru's Daily Message

Thursday 24 January 2013

"Don’t Buy What The Devil Sells" ~ Sadhguru

Questioner: I have been trying to clear the engineering entrance exam but have already failed twice. I have become very frustrated and am unable to come out of it.

Sadhguru: Frustration, discouragement, and depression are a continuous process. Once you get frustrated, you will get discouraged. Once you get discouraged, you will get depressed. Let me tell you a story. The devil decided to go out of business, so he put all the instruments of his business on sale. There was anger, lust, greed, jealousy, passion for wealth, ego – he put up everything for sale, and people bought them all. But then somebody noticed that he still had something in his bag. So they asked him, “What is it that you have got?” The devil said, “These are my most effective tools. I am not putting these for sale, just in case I decide to get back into business. And above all, even if I put them on sale, they will be too expensive, as they are the best instruments of my work to somehow destroy life.” People asked, “Tell us what they are!” The devil said, “Discouragement and depression.”

Once there is no enthusiasm, once there is depression in you, there is no possibility of life. When you say “I am getting frustrated with something,” you are not far away from discouragement and depression – frustration is the first step.

So how do you drop frustration? Don’t buy it! You don’t have to drop it because life – every life – is enthusiasm. Just see, the very way an ant is moving about. If you try to stop him, does he ever get frustrated or discouraged? Till he falls dead he will make his effort. Look at the little plants. Even if you put one little plant on top of the roof and just give it a little mud and nothing else, it will put one root down twenty-five metres all the way to the ground. Do you think the plant ever gets frustrated? Life energy knows no frustration. It is a limited mind which knows frustration, because the limited mind works out of false expectations. When your expectations are not in line with life as such, when your expectations are fanciful psychology and not life phenomena, then when the expectation does not get fulfilled, the mind feels this is the end of the world.

When people fail their examination, many of them commit suicide, isn’t it? Because they feel without this, it is the end of the world. All the people whom you worship – Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus – they never passed any examination. Why do you worship them? To pass your examination, you are calling upon people who never cared to pass an examination. It doesn’t make sense.

So not passing your examination doesn’t mean anything. You want to pass because of a social requirement, that is different. But you getting frustrated is a purely psychological phenomenon, not a life phenomenon. When you are frustrated and the mind is saying “There is no good living, let me die,” just close your mouth, hold your nose for two minutes and see, the life within you says, “Let me live.”

Anything that you do against your own life is simple ignorance and stupidity. Only a fool works against his own life. But right now you have gotten yourself into a mental state where you are working against your own life. Frustration, discouragement and depression only mean that you are working against your own life. Only if you are being stupid will you ever get depressed. If you are intelligent how would you be depressed? Only because you have frozen your intelligence, there is room for depression. Otherwise there is no question of depression or frustration.
courtesy: Sadhguru's dairy in Speaking Tree

Sadhguru's Daily Message - 24.01.2010

Tuesday 22 January 2013

"Tapping into the Akashik Intelligence" ~ Sadhguru

Ever wondered why some people seem to breeze through life while others struggle?

Sadhguru tells us about akashik intelligence, and gives us a process to bring this larger intelligence into our lives.


"Modern science is beginning to recognize that there is something called akashik intelligence. That is, empty space has a certain intelligence. How this akashik intelligence behaves with you – whether this intelligence works for you or against you – will determine the nature of your life. Whether you are a blessed being or one who is going to be knocked around for the rest of your life simply depends on your ability – either consciously or unconsciously – to be able to get the cooperation of this larger intelligence which is functioning.

It is improper to call akash or space, the fifth element because it is the element. All the other four – earth, water, fire and air – just play upon it; the fundamental element is akash. It is in the lap of this boundless space that these four elements play the game. We are sitting here on a round, spinning planet in the solar system. It is all held in place only by akash. You are sitting in your place not because of yourself, you are sitting in your place only because akash is holding you in place. It is akash which is holding this earth, this solar system, this galaxy and the whole cosmos in place – and no strings attached, just see! Just held like that.

If you know how to get the cooperation of akash into your life, this will be a blessed life. One simple process you can do for this is, after sunrise, before the sun crosses an angle of thirty degrees, look up at the sky once and bow down to akash for holding you in place today. After the sun crosses thirty degrees, sometime during the day – anytime – look up and bow down again. After the sun sets, once again look up and bow down, not to some god up there, just to the empty space for holding you in place for today. Just do this. Life will change dramatically.

Have you noticed, even Tendulkar, looks up? It is not just him, right from ancient times, when man achieved something in great moments of success, he looks up because unknowingly there is a realization. Some of them may be looking up for the uperwaala but mostly, when you hit a peak experience, have you noticed, even without your awareness, your body looks up in gratitude? Somewhere there is recognition; there is an intelligence here which recognizes that.

Do this process consciously three times a day. If you get cooperation from akash, life will happen in magical ways. An intelligence that you have never thought possible will become yours."
courtesy: Isha Foundation

Sadhguru's Daily Message - 22.01.2013

Friday 18 January 2013

"Guru Nanak showed the way " ~ Sadhguru

" Wherever he went, Guru Nanak attracted a large group of people around him. When he came, he did not ascribe to any particular religious tenet and his teaching was universal. He initiated people into certain types of meditation and devotional practices. People could not fix Guru Nanak as belonging to any particular religion. He dressed unconventionally for a spiritual person because he didn’t want to fit into any mould that was already there. So he appeared neither like a Muslim fakir nor a Hindu saint. He designed his own clothes and wore it in such a way that they could not identify him with any particular faith.

Guru Nanak was a compassionate and courageous man. Once he was traveling by foot, walking from village to village, offering his teachings to people. He was not one of those all-the-time smiling, gentle saints. He knew when to be hard and when to be soft.  

One day, he happened to be a guest in a home of a very rich man in the area. After a few days, as he was leaving, he gave this man a sewing needle and said, ‘Keep this with you. Sometime in the future when you see me, you can give it back to me.’ After the Guru had left, the man told his wife about the incident. The wife immediately scolded the man, ‘You fool, why did you take a needle from a guru? He is an old man. Suppose he dies and you don’t get to give back this needle, what will you do? Offering him something is fine but you should not receive anything from a man like him. Else, you will be in debt forever. You will be unable to wash out that one karma, and this may mean another thousand lifetimes for you. This is not a good thing. Somehow try to find him and return it to him immediately.’  

So the man started trekking the path that Nanakdev had taken. After a couple of months the man caught up with him and said, ‘Guruji, I don’t want to carry this needle with me. You are an old man. In case you die, I would not be able to carry this needle to heaven and return it to you there. I will be in debt forever.’ Guru Nanak replied, ‘So you know that you cannot carry this needle to heaven, right?’ The man said, ‘Yes.’ ‘When you know you cannot carry a needle, what about all those other things you are accumulating? You will not be able to carry any of that either.’ The man fell at Nanakdev’s feet. He went back home, just kept what was needed for his family, and went about building whatever was needed for the wellbeing of people all around.

The world is a limited space with limited resources So whether it is individuals, societies or nations, when they go about accumulating endlessly, all that can happen is strife and pain for self and others. Unless every individual decides for himself, ‘This is what I need. The rest of my capabilities, I will use for everybody’s wellbeing,’, he is a disaster to himself and to the world. All human suffering and the suffering of every other creature has been created by our ignorance, and nothing else. And this ignorance is getting empowered by technology, and it's going all out. The true disaster on this planet is not an earthquake, volcano or tsunami. It is human ignorance. Enlightenment that comes with awareness is the only solution." ~ Sadhguru
courtesy: Sadhguru in Speaking Tree

Sadhguru's Daily Message - 2013

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Leadership - From Ambition to Vision - Sadhguru speaks at IMD business s

Sadhguru talks at the Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland on "Leadership - from Ambition to Vision." Attended by the MBA students and faculty of the Institute as well as business leaders, this talk underlines the importance of inclusiveness as the basis for visionary leadership. Sadhguru also touches upon the technologies and tools that enhance inner strength and balance, allowing leaders to operate from their inner well being, making inclusiveness an experential reality.

My conversations with the Mystic: Chris rado and Sadhguru

"Life at Full Throttle" - Jan 30, 2011 (5pm - 6:30pm PST), LA, California.

The third web streaming event in the series, "My conversations with the Mystic", happened in LA with Championship racer and Motorsports Icon, Chris Rado and Profound Mystic and Visionary Humanitarian, Sadhguru Jaggi vasudev.

This is the first part of the event, "Life at Full Throttle" where these two amazing individuals discuss about racing, speed, competition, technology for well being.

The morning of the event the two of them spent racing on the track... Sadhguru got to race Chris's them go Full Throttle !

In Conversation with the Mystic - Anupam Kher with Sadhguru

In Conversation with the Mystic - Anupam Kher with Sadhguru [LIVE]
Recorded live from Mumbai, India on 20th September, 2011

Drop Your Philosophies

Sadhguru speaks about how crafting philosophies in your head ultimately takes you away from truth. Referring to philosophers, Sadhguru mentions that "People have fallen in love with words and lost the world." He goes on to explain how people can work to bring themselves closer to truth.

Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. 

What is the significance of number 108?

Sadhguru Explains the importance of number 108 in our vedic sciences.

What does Sadhguru see in the mirror?

"If you are blissed out, everybody who comes in touch with you, one way or the other, will begin to experience that bliss." ~ Sadhguru.

life is such that I am constantly engaged with people. Wherever I may be, in many ways, I touch them; it is very difficult to articulate and understand this. Because of this, I have to shower at least three to four times a day; minimum twice is a must but depending upon the level of activity, three to four and sometimes up to five times a day – not to wash myself off people, but it becomes necessary. I may not touch people by hand, but the energy contact that I establish with a whole mass of people is the fundamental of my work. Various aspects of different people do stick on and shower becomes a necessity. After showering do I have to look in the mirror? No. I look the same every day. Most men have the problem of different levels of facial hair where they have to trim or shave it and keep it in a certain way. I look the same every day. I just have to arrange my beard, which doesn’t take a mirror, I know where it is and I am done. I can disturb the whole thing and arrange it without a mirror. A mirror doesn’t play such an important role in my life because how I look is fixed. I don’t look different on different days. If I close my eyes for a moment and I just feel through, I know how I look. Whether I radiate or not is decided by that. If it is not working properly I just have to close my eyes for another few seconds, that’s all.

The most important question to ask is, is it about 
looking good or is it about living good? How wonderful you feel within yourself is more important than how wonderful you look. If you are really feeling wonderful, everybody will feel wonderful in your presence. If you are blissed out, everybody who comes in touch with you, one way or the other, will begin to experience that bliss. Have you noticed that a joyful face is always a beautiful face? A blissful face is a glorious face. If you look good maybe you are a piece of art, but nothing more will happen. Sculptures can look good, art can look good, anything can – I am not saying looking good is a bad thing. All I am saying is how much time you invest on it in your life clearly tells you who you are because if you have something of substance within you, looking good will not be such a relevant thing. It doesn’t mean that I don’t take little care to look good; obviously I do. The important thing is, how much time and attention is given to looking good versus being good. Maybe I am coming up with this philosophy as I have no hope of looking good, you just have to do with what you have. Well, there are doctors who can fix the look, but it is not that important to me. So, here I am the way I am.
You see today that people can’t take their hands off their hair for a moment. This is simply because there is not enough substance. If you create enough substance within yourself, whether your hair is up like this or that does not matter; people will still love you for who you are. If you are planning to make an impact in the world either as an actor or whatever; that impact will happen because of your intensity and substance not just because of the arrangement of your of hair.

Beauty and being handsome is a combination of intelligence, intensity, integrity, character, demeanor, bearing, gracefulness, love, joy, health, equanimity, exuberance and of course the shape and size of certain body parts. All of these you can achieve by yourself, except the last one that needs genetic help or some plastic.

May you not be a captive of certain idea of beauty but become captivating for all who behold you." ~ Sadhguru

courtesy: Sadhguru spot

Sadhguru's Daily Message - 16.01.2013

Tuesday 15 January 2013

How meditation works?

Sadhguru is yoga master, meditation expert, yoga expert from India and has taught millions of people in the world on how to meditate, how to do kriya yoga meditation. In this youtube video sadhguru - the meditation expert, explains the experiments, research conducted by Israeli on an attempt to decipher how marijuana affects the human brain. Sadhguru further explains that this research experiments on human brain and the results derived from this experiment has a direct relationship on how meditation works, how yoga works on human brain. He further explains that in the ancient indian yogic system there has been a lot of meditation experiments, meditation research on how meditation works on human brain and on the human system and how results of meditation in the human brain is similar to the effects of marijuana intake in the human system. Sadhguru further explains how Indian yogic system has also done a details research how meditation works, how yoga works on each and every cell in the human body.

Higgs Boson's impact: Sadhguru - Nassim Haramein

Who Controls Our Life? - Sadhguru

Sadhguru guides a seeker wanting to know who or what fundamentally decides our destiny. Rather than give an easier answer, Sadhguru challenges us to look and seek out life the way it is, instead of trying to reduce everything to a set of beliefs.

Spirituality - Taking a Step Within - Sadhguru

Sadhguru speaks about the technology of the spiritual process. He addresses the importance of a commitment environment and the right kind of atmosphere, which are needed to take an inward step.

Sadhguru also goes on to clarify the reason why many educated people have an allergy towards spirituality, which is mainly caused by lack of commitment by those imparting it.
courtesy:Isha Foundation

"How can we overcome fear?" ~ Sadhguru

Sadhguru talks about fear, explaining its root cause and telling us how we can become free from it.

Fear is simply because you are not living with life, you are living in your mind. Your fear is always about what’s going to happen next. That means your fear is always about that which does not exist. If your fear is about the non-existent, your fear is hundred percent imaginary. If you are suffering the non-existential, we call that insanity. So, people may be in just socially accepted levels of insanity, but if you’re afraid or if you’re suffering anything which does not exist, it amounts to insanity, isn’t it?

People are always suffering either what happened yesterday or what may happen tomorrow. So your suffering is always about that which does not exist, simply because you’re not rooted in reality, you’re always rooted in your mind. Mind is – one part of it is memory, another part of it is imagination. Both of them are in one way imagination, because both of them don’t exist right now. You’re lost in your imagination, that’s the basis of your fear. If you were rooted in reality, there would be no fear.

Sadhguru's Daily Message - 15.03.2013

Sunday 13 January 2013

Are we "A Nut"? ~ Sadhguru

Are you willing to crack this nut open? 

"The truth that binds life, is the same truth that liberates life."

Sadhguru : 
Shell breaking is very simple if the nut is willing. Actually, right now as you sit here, everything in you is in interaction with everything else. It is only the shell of your thoughts and emotions that is making you think and believe that you are a separate entity.

If you don’t understand this, just hold your breath for two minutes – you will know. Without interaction with this planet and its atmosphere, you cannot exist for a moment. And it is not just about this planet.

Every subatomic particle in your system is in constant transaction with the whole existence, with the whole cosmos, with things that are and things that are not. There are dimensions of the atoms – the basic building blocks in your body – that are constantly transacting with the empty space; otherwise you cannot exist. So the shell is easy to break because it doesn’t really exist.

The shell is an illusion that you have created. 

You are the working of this magnificent creation and the source of creation – but you build a shell and think you are a nut.

Seeker: How to know which is right for me?

Questioner: How to know which is right for me? I choose and un-choose many times, for example, sometimes I feel I should pursue studies in music. Sometimes, I feel I should pursue academics. So how to know which is right for me?


I don’t see how these two things are connected. See, now you want to become a great musician. If you can’t become one at least you want to sweep the musician’s house or at least you can work in a music store. Or at least you can wipe a musical instrument clean. That’s how it should be.

Music or academics, that means you still don’t know what is music, nor do you know what is academics. You are choosing for social reasons, you are not choosing for your own inner reasons. Which will be more successful? There will be no choice there. So if this is how it is, then you just don’t know anything as to what you should choose. Whatever is on hand right now, put your heart and soul into it. If you put your everything into sweeping the music store, according to your inner nature you will flower and find what you should do.

You don’t have the awareness to know what you should choose, so what you should do is simply throw yourself 100% into what you are doing now without entanglement. You must understand, people are always thinking in terms of where shall I get entangled? It’s not a question of where you should get entangled, it is a question of where you should get involved. Now you don’t know one thing from the other, so just show absolute involvement into what you are right now.

What you are right now is just breath, body, food, shit, wake up, sleep; this is what you are. Show absolute involvement in this, what you should do, where you should go will be 100% clear. You neither eat with involvement, nor breathe with involvement, nor shit with involvement, nor get up with involvement, nor sleep with involvement, please see that. If you are doing this, you will be somewhere else, if you are doing that, you will be somewhere else. Because of this, you have no sense of what to do. Whatever you do it seems to be inadequate - it seems to be the wrong thing.

People are always like academics or music, that’s a small choice. One big question in the ashram and everywhere else is, should I take bhramacharya or should I get married? Both are wrong. Marriage is terrible, bhramacharya is worse. For somebody who does not know involvement, for somebody who knows only entanglement; marriage is terrible, bhramacharya is worse, not necessarily in that order. (Laughs)

If you know involvement, then its different. You keep choosing and un-choosing, then both marriage and bhramacharya are going to be terrible; they cannot be any other way. So when you don’t know which is which, you don’t choose, you just show involvement into everything that you are, then life will choose and it is never wrong. Or I will choose, because I am a little more than life. (Laughs) You won’t understand what I am talking, I am actually a little more than life. I am quite a lot of life, but I am a little more than life, I don’t belong there. It doesn’t mean a damn thing to me, but I have more involvement with life than most people would ever know.

To be involved in something that doesn’t mean a damn thing to you, is different. It is something that people cannot understand. People can be involved in only that which means something to them. People do not know how to be totally involved with something which doesn’t mean a damn thing to them.

Becoming life is very beautiful, but you will see its not enough. When you have enough of it, you will see its not enough. This one is capable of becoming something more than life. Only then, everything is in place. Nothing is ever out of place, shame or fame, everything is in place. Success or failure, everything is in place. Life or death, everything is in place; nothing is ever out of place.
courtesy: Sadhguru in Speaking Tree

Sadhguru's Daily Message - 13.01.2013