Tuesday 15 January 2013

How meditation works?

Sadhguru is yoga master, meditation expert, yoga expert from India and has taught millions of people in the world on how to meditate, how to do kriya yoga meditation. In this youtube video sadhguru - the meditation expert, explains the experiments, research conducted by Israeli on an attempt to decipher how marijuana affects the human brain. Sadhguru further explains that this research experiments on human brain and the results derived from this experiment has a direct relationship on how meditation works, how yoga works on human brain. He further explains that in the ancient indian yogic system there has been a lot of meditation experiments, meditation research on how meditation works on human brain and on the human system and how results of meditation in the human brain is similar to the effects of marijuana intake in the human system. Sadhguru further explains how Indian yogic system has also done a details research how meditation works, how yoga works on each and every cell in the human body.

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